00:20:27 Christopher Yukins: The program video will be posted on the GW Law Government Procurement Law Program YouTube Channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwSF0y8EG8ea18dBrU10lmQ and the program video and materials (including this public chat and the slides) will be available on www.publicprocurementinternational.com. 00:21:29 Albert Sanchez-Graells: My blog is accessible at howtocrackanut.com. All comments on any entries welcome! 00:22:33 Christopher Yukins: Albert Sanchez-Graells' blog is "How to Crack a Nut" -- www.howtocrackanut.com. It's excellent. 00:49:33 Albert Sanchez-Graells: Prof Kovacic’s insightful remarks on the interaction with trade policy are developed here: https://e15initiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/E15-Competition-Anderson-Kovacic-Muller-Final.pdf. Well worth a read. 00:50:18 Daniel Glad: Good summary of recent DOJ's international enforcement: https://www.justice.gov/atr/division-operations/division-update-spring-2021/continued-commitment-international-enforcement 00:50:43 Albert Sanchez-Graells: On data screens, some of my critical views on the UK’s abandoned ‘Screening for Cartels’ tool are available here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3382270 01:04:42 Robert Anderson: Thanks very much, Albert, and congratulations on your own very important contributions. For information, the relationship between supplier collusion and trade-limiting measures is also developed in Anderson, Jones and Kovacic (2019), available here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3289170 . 01:14:00 Michael Bowsher: Can we come back at the end to consider the repeated proposition from the EU Commission that exclusion of bidders (for collusion or otherwise) is not a penalty or punishment. Would others share that view under their own systems, and does it make sense as a proposition? What are the consequences of this position? 01:16:17 Christopher Yukins: The prior webinar and materials on the "white paper" on the EU foreign subsidies regulation are at www.publicprocurementinternational.com, and the video is on the GW Law Government Contracts Law YouTube page. 01:17:16 Christopher Yukins: At www.publicprocurementinternational.com, at the program page for this webinar, there are extensive links to these resources cited. 01:22:52 Christopher Yukins: The resources linked in Juliette Enser's slides are set forth on the program page at www.publicprocurementinternational.com. 01:41:51 William Kovacic: I have a meeting with my dean at GW at half-past the hour. Thanks for a wonderful event! Bill 01:42:14 Vassilios Kanaras: On the penalty issue: the Commission does not propose a certain interpretation or "categorization" of the exclusion ground but reiterates standing case law of the Court of Justice, which has never qualified such exclusion as a penalty but rather as a means to ensure the reliability of the future contractor. Anyhow, contracting authorities do not appear in national law to have competence to impose penalties on participants to a tender proecdure. 01:45:03 Robert Anderson: Brilliant webinar - congratulations everyone. 01:45:52 Vassilios Kanaras: The Commission paper refers to EU law, IO'm afraid 01:45:57 Soala Warmate: Thank you everybody