Wednesday, January 11, 2023 – 9:00 am ET, 15:00 CET
How do requirements for contractors to disclose cost or pricing data to the federal government affect the bidding and execution performance of public procurement contracts? Examining the Truth in Negotiations Act (TINA), which can require contractors to provide cost or pricing data with their bids, a research paper by Brad Nathan, an accounting professor at Columbia Business School, studies the effects of these requirements on contract competition (i.e., whether multiple bids are received), how frequently cost-plus contracts are awarded, and contract performance (i.e., re-negotiations and cost overruns). Join GW Law School’s Government Procurement Law Program and the Acquisition Innovation Research Center for this free one-hour webinar to learn more about potential benefits and disadvantages of requiring cost or pricing data in public procurement.
Program Slides
Phil Anton, Acquisition Innovation Research Center
Brad Nathan, Columbia University
Brad Nathan, Show Your Hand: The Impacts of Fair Pricing Requirements in Procurement Contracting (July 2024) (published dissertation),
- Craig Barrett, Crowell & Moring
- David Drabkin, Chair, Procurement Roundtable
- John Tenaglia, Principal Director, Defense Pricing and Contracting, U.S. Department of Defense
- Tara Ward, McDermott Will & Emery
Christopher Yukins, GW Law
Research Resources
- 10 U.S.C. 2306a and 41 U.S.C. Chapter 35: the Truth in Negotiations Act (TINA) statute (now officially called Truthful Cost or Pricing Data (TCPD))
- FAR 2.101: Definition of cost or pricing data.
- FAR 15.402: Pricing policy – contracting officers are directed to request the minimum data necessary to establish prices are reasonable in order to lessen preparation costs, award times, and government resources expended
- FAR 15.403-1: when requiring certified cost or pricing data is prohibited. Introduces the TINA threshold; FAR 15.403-1(c) defines “adequate competition”
- FAR 15.403-3: Affords contracting officers the authority to request cost or pricing data (uncertified) when necessary to ensure reasonable prices. This is distinct from rules governing certified cost or pricing data.
- FAR 15.403-4: Requiring certified cost or pricing data (implementing 10 U.S.C. 2306a and 41 U.S.C. Chapter 35)
- Lorell, M. A., J. C. Graser, and C. R. Cook (2005). Price-Based Acquisition: Issues and Challenges for Defense Department Procurement of Weapon Systems. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation