Colloquium: What Happens If the U.S. Leaves the WTO Government Procurement Agreement?

Tuesday, February 18, 2020, 9 to 11 am – GWU Law School, Law Learning Center, 2028 G Street NW, Room LLC006

WTO Government Procurement Agreement Members and Observers

According to press reports, the Trump administration is mulling an executive order that would trigger U.S. withdrawal from the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA). This free colloquium will assess the United States’ potential withdrawal from the GPA, which would deprive U.S. suppliers of a key point of access to public procurement markets internationally — although the GPA, experts note, has set global standards and opened an estimate $1.7 trillion dollars annually in business opportunities. The United States could forfeit access to important public procurement markets in Canada and many other countries, and the United States could lose its leadership role (which dates back to World War II) in shaping global standards in public procurement, even as more countries (such as Brazil) are joining the GPA.

Colloquium will be held downstairs at the GWU Law Learning Center – 2028 G Street NW (photo: Google)


Jean Heilman Grier, Consequences of Potential U.S. Withdrawal from GPA (

Robert Anderson & Christopher Yukins, Withdrawing the United States from the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): Assessing Potential Damage to the U.S. and Its Contracting Community, 62 Gov. Contractor para. 35 (Feb. 12, 2020)

Acetris Health LLC v. United States (Fed. Cir., Feb. 10, 2020) (Dyk, J.)


Jean Heilman Grier is a leading internationally recognized expert on the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), bilateral and regional agreements, international trade negotiations and international procurement systems. She has more than 30 years of experience in international trade as a U.S. trade negotiator, lawyer, adviser and consultant, including as the government procurement negotiator for the U.S. government. For a decade, she represented the United States in the WTO Committee on Government Procurement where she played a leading role in the revision of the GPA and accessions to the Agreement. Since 2013, she has been the Trade Principal with Djaghe, LLC., where she advises and provides technical assistance to governments, international organizations, businesses and trade groups on international procurement and trade issues. She writes extensively on international procurement and other international trade topics, and maintains a blog, Perspectives on Trade, at; there, she recently published a piece on the impacts that the United States leaving the GPA could have.

Robert Anderson

Robert Anderson is a teacher and independent researcher on matters relating to the multilateral trading system, competition policy and government procurement. He previously worked in the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization from 1997 through 2019, and held the position of Counsellor and Team Leader for Government Procurement and Competition Policy in the Organization from 2005 through 2019.

Current academic positions include that of Honorary Professor in the School of Law at the University of Nottingham (United Kingdom). Mr Anderson also is an external faculty member at the World Trade Institute, the University of Bern (Switzerland); the University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy); and the Catholic University of Lyon (France). He also has been a guest speaker, on multiple occasions, in relevant courses of the George Washington University Law School (United States).

Roundtable Participants: Michael Bowsher QC (Monckton Chambers, London) – Andrea Sundstrand (University of Stockholm) – Pascal Friton (Blomstein, Berlin) – Paul Lalonde (Dentons, Toronto) – Colette Langos (University of Adelaide) – Christopher Yukins (GWU Law School)

Program information: Cassandra Crawford,

Will Brexit Stall TTIP’s Promise for Procurement?

BrexitA previous post suggested that the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) might offer a way to fill some of the gaps left by Brexit, Britain’s prospective departure from the European Union.  This post flips that proposition, and asks whether TTIP’s goals for opening procurement markets might, in effect, be swallowed up by Brexit, as some in the trade community have suggested despite public support from the White House and the EU for moving forward with TTIP.  This means, in turn, that TTIP’s goals for procurement may need to be addressed in another forum, perhaps under the World Trade Organization’s Government Procurement Agreement (GPA).

The previous post used procurement as a case study.  The post pointed out that if the European Union agrees to the TTIP agreement before the UK departs (“Brexits”), the TTIP agreement probably will list UK procurements open to competition under TTIP, and will include guarantees of free access to those procurements.  After “Brexit,” Britain arguably could then “reenter” TTIP as an independent nation, and adopt those former obligations under the TTIP agreement, in return for reciprocal access to EU and U.S. markets.

This outcome — allowing Britain access to open markets in Europe under TTIP, without any concomitant obligation to allow free movement of persons — would be exactly what the British “Leave” campaigners want for the UK; a separate TTIP arrangement with an independent UK also enjoys support from senior U.S. Republicans.  This outcome is, however, exactly what the leaders of the European Union have announced they will not allow.  Hope for such a British “back door” to open markets is also, incidentally, what President Obama warned against before the referendum vote, when he said that an independent Britain would be at the “back of the queue” in the United States’ negotiations of trade deals.

Leave Campaign - STOP TTIP
Leave Campaign – STOP TTIP

In a raucous speech on the floor of the European Parliament on June 29, 2016, Nigel Farage, the UKIP leader in the “Leave” campaign (and a Member of the European Parliament), paused in a harangue of his fellow MEPs to call for “a sensible tariff-free deal” between the European Union and the UK.  (It should be noted that the “Leave” campaign formally opposes TTIP, largely because of the broader integrative measures that might be included in the agreement.)

On that same day, however, European leaders stated that the EU will not afford the UK a free trade arrangement unless the UK agrees to ensure the “four freedoms” at the heart of European integration, including the free movement of European workers — which is anathema to many in the “Leave” camp in Britain.  Specifically, the EU leaders stated:

In the future, we hope to have the UK as a close partner of the EU and we look forward to the UK stating its intentions in this respect. Any agreement, which will be concluded with the UK as a third country, will have to be based on a balance of rights and obligations. Access to the Single Market requires acceptance of all four freedoms.

(Emphasis added.)  Even if Britain could side-step this European opposition by using the “TTIP back door,” a TTIP agreement would not solve all of the United Kingdom’s trade problems.  Again using procurement as an example, trade agreements such as TTIP and the World Trade Organization’s Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) are really best understood as ambitious nondiscrimination arrangements.  Those trade agreements simply do not drive the same rigorous cross-border economic integration, in procurement or otherwise, that the European Union’s governance mechanisms provide.

In sum, although TTIP would hardly be a panacea, because TTIP might give Britain a “back door” to a free trade arrangement with Europe, European leaders may prove reluctant to press forward to conclude the TTIP agreement.

If TTIP does falter, what will this mean for procurement?  If TTIP stalls, it may mean that the goals held for TTIP will need to be addressed under other institutions, such as the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA).  The GPA’s implementation is administered by the WTO Committee on Government Procurement, and logically the TTIP goals — goals which would address persistent structural obstacles to trade in procurement — could be taken up by the Committee, perhaps under the pending work programs to enhance the GPA.

The EU and U.S. negotiating goals for TTIP (at least as of the ninth round of negotiations, in April 2015) were made clearer as a result of a leak of internal European negotiating documents by Greenpeace Netherlands.  According to those leaked materials and the EU and U.S. published statements of position, those TTIP goals include, on the EU side, better access to (and information on) sub-central (state and local) procurements in the United States, and on the U.S. side, stronger commitments by all parties to fighting corruption in procurement.  To the extent Brexit derails those goals in TTIP, it may fall to the WTO to take them up as part of a broader effort to strengthen international procurement markets under the Government Procurement Agreement.

– Chris Yukins

Editor’s note:  On September 19, 2016, these Brexit developments will be discussed at our annual conference on transatlantic procurement at King’s College London; GWU Law School is a co-sponsor.  Attendance is free, and further information is available at .


Procurement:  Using TTIP to Fill the Gaps Left by Brexit

TTIP bannerIn the wake of Brexit, much of the public discussion about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) — the comprehensive trade agreement being negotiated between the European Union and the United States — has focused on the delay that Brexit may cause the TTIP negotiations, and has reflected hope on the part of the British left that Britain can now stay out of TTIP.

In the long term, however, it is perhaps unlikely that a newly independent Britain would remain outside TTIP, which if concluded is likely to prove a critical tool to open markets, and reduce regulatory barriers, between European nations and the United States.  Although the White House has warned that an independent UK would be joining TTIP from a “different starting point,” TTIP, if successful, could simply be too attractive for Britain to ignore — especially if the alternative, a bilateral deal with the United States, would offer reduced access for a weaker Britain.

This possibility that Britain would, after Brexit, seek to join TTIP opens a strategic question:  could TTIP be used to close some of the gaps opened by Brexit?

In procurement, the most serious gap left by Brexit is uncertainty — will the UK agree to continue to follow the EU procurement directives, and can the UK continue to calm the protectionist voices emerging in the European Union?  TTIP may address both problems.

To understand why, we can look to the structure of other free trade agreements, such as the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), to make an educated guess as to how TTIP would be structured.  Under the GPA, each party lists the nations and agencies to be covered. Thus, under the revised GPA, the European Union has in Annex 1 agreed (with UK acquiescence) that certain United Kingdom agencies will be covered.

We can assume that the procurement provisions under TTIP would adopt the same structure, listing covered nations and agencies.  That has been the case under the Transpacific Partnership (TPP), which lists in Annex 15-A the agencies regarding which the TPP parties have agreed to open their procurements.

We can also assume that the European Union would not object to agreeing under TTIP that its member states will comply with the European procurement directives; agreeing to bind its member states to its own rules should not be difficult for the EU.  Finally, it seems safe to assume that the EU and the United States would be willing to stipulate that any nation that entered the TTIP structure would be allowed to enter only on terms at least as favorable as those that previously bound that state, under that agreement.  Neither the European Union nor the United States would have an obvious reason to object to such a condition; neither, of course, favors Brexit.

Under such a provision, if post-Brexit Britain sought to enter TTIP separately as a nation outside the European Union, Britain would be bound to the coverage terms that previously applied, i.e., arguably the same UK government agencies would be covered, and they would be bound to follow the European procurement directives (or a set of procurement rules as least as rigorous as the EU rules).

None of this would be simple, of course.  But by demanding that any new entrant — including  the United Kingdom — join TTIP on terms as least as favorable as before, TTIP might help bring stability and predictability to procurement in the U.S. and European markets.

That leaves, then, the question of emerging protectionism regarding procurement in the European Union, driven by European concerns that some trading partners, including the United States, have unfair access.  While the United Kingdom has often opposed new protectionism in Brussels, the UK’s influence will likely plummet under Brexit.  Under a redrawn arrangement in TTIP, however, Britain would be able to engage anew, not as a voice within the EU, but rather as another negotiating partner in TTIP.  The dynamics would be different, but the United States would regain an ally in opposing new European protectionism in procurement.

– Chris Yukins

Editor’s note:  On September 19, 2016, these Brexit developments will be discussed at our annual conference on transatlantic procurement at King’s College London; GWU Law School is a co-sponsor.  Attendance is free, and further information is available at .