Colloquium: What Happens If the U.S. Leaves the WTO Government Procurement Agreement?

Tuesday, February 18, 2020, 9 to 11 am – GWU Law School, Law Learning Center, 2028 G Street NW, Room LLC006

WTO Government Procurement Agreement Members and Observers

According to press reports, the Trump administration is mulling an executive order that would trigger U.S. withdrawal from the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA). This free colloquium will assess the United States’ potential withdrawal from the GPA, which would deprive U.S. suppliers of a key point of access to public procurement markets internationally — although the GPA, experts note, has set global standards and opened an estimate $1.7 trillion dollars annually in business opportunities. The United States could forfeit access to important public procurement markets in Canada and many other countries, and the United States could lose its leadership role (which dates back to World War II) in shaping global standards in public procurement, even as more countries (such as Brazil) are joining the GPA.

Colloquium will be held downstairs at the GWU Law Learning Center – 2028 G Street NW (photo: Google)


Jean Heilman Grier, Consequences of Potential U.S. Withdrawal from GPA (

Robert Anderson & Christopher Yukins, Withdrawing the United States from the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): Assessing Potential Damage to the U.S. and Its Contracting Community, 62 Gov. Contractor para. 35 (Feb. 12, 2020)

Acetris Health LLC v. United States (Fed. Cir., Feb. 10, 2020) (Dyk, J.)


Jean Heilman Grier is a leading internationally recognized expert on the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), bilateral and regional agreements, international trade negotiations and international procurement systems. She has more than 30 years of experience in international trade as a U.S. trade negotiator, lawyer, adviser and consultant, including as the government procurement negotiator for the U.S. government. For a decade, she represented the United States in the WTO Committee on Government Procurement where she played a leading role in the revision of the GPA and accessions to the Agreement. Since 2013, she has been the Trade Principal with Djaghe, LLC., where she advises and provides technical assistance to governments, international organizations, businesses and trade groups on international procurement and trade issues. She writes extensively on international procurement and other international trade topics, and maintains a blog, Perspectives on Trade, at; there, she recently published a piece on the impacts that the United States leaving the GPA could have.

Robert Anderson

Robert Anderson is a teacher and independent researcher on matters relating to the multilateral trading system, competition policy and government procurement. He previously worked in the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization from 1997 through 2019, and held the position of Counsellor and Team Leader for Government Procurement and Competition Policy in the Organization from 2005 through 2019.

Current academic positions include that of Honorary Professor in the School of Law at the University of Nottingham (United Kingdom). Mr Anderson also is an external faculty member at the World Trade Institute, the University of Bern (Switzerland); the University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy); and the Catholic University of Lyon (France). He also has been a guest speaker, on multiple occasions, in relevant courses of the George Washington University Law School (United States).

Roundtable Participants: Michael Bowsher QC (Monckton Chambers, London) – Andrea Sundstrand (University of Stockholm) – Pascal Friton (Blomstein, Berlin) – Paul Lalonde (Dentons, Toronto) – Colette Langos (University of Adelaide) – Christopher Yukins (GWU Law School)

Program information: Cassandra Crawford,

One Week in March. Two European Conferences on Public Contracts.

London – March 16, 2020

GWU Law is a proud supporter of two international conferences on emerging issues in transatlantic public contract administration, at King’s College, London on March 16 and at the University of Warsaw on March 18. Both conferences are free.

Warsaw – March 18, 2020

Request Denied by GAO for Documents in Pending Protest Regarding GSA “Electronic Marketplaces” Procurement

On January 15, 2020,, Inc., a competitor in the pending U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) procurement for “electronic marketplaces” reportedly protested the reissued (and revised) solicitation at the U.S. Government Accountability Office. Per GAO’s rules on the public availability of records, 4 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 81, Professor Yukins submitted a formal request to GAO for electronic versions of the redacted materials filed in the referenced pending bid protest (attached).  These records were requested so that information and analysis regarding the subject procurement – a multi-billion dollar procurement to open commercial electronic marketplaces to federal users – can be made available to the public.  If these records are not released, key information on this major procurement may be blocked from the public for roughly three months – the 100-day period for a GAO bid protest to be decided.

On January 22, 2020, GAO denied the request, saying that it is estimated that the documents will not be available until the proceedings are concluded, projected to be on or about April 24, 2020, over three months later. In practical terms, this means that the thousands of vendors and customers which need to prepare for the new electronic markets to be opened by GSA’s procurement may need to wait months for information on the ongoing procurement and protest — even though that information (because redacted) is otherwise publicly releasable.

Roger Waldron, Coalition for Government Procurement

Editor’s Note: On January 24, 2020, the Federal News Network published an op-ed by Roger Waldron of the Coalition for Government Procurement which concluded: “. . . there are broad implications for the procurement system associated with the e-Marketplace acquisition, and those implications extend into other areas of importance, like supply chain security, socioeconomic programs, and the protection of proprietary data. Yukins is right. Absent the release of these [GAO protest] records, ‘key information on this major procurement may be blocked from the public for roughly three months – the 100-day period for a GAO bid protest to be decided.’ So too, from the perspective of Coalition members, it highlights that more review and reflection on the acquisition is needed. “

ABA Committees To Hold Joint Meeting on Developments in International Debarment – February 13, 2020 – Call in

Jessica Tillipman, GWU Law School – Co-chair, ABA SIL Anti-Corruption Committee

On February 13, 2020, at 12:00 noon ET, the American Bar Association (ABA) Section of International Law (SIL) Anti-Corruption Committee will join with the ABA Public Contract Law Section (PCLS) Suspension and Debarment Committee, for an informal lunchtime session on developments in international debarment. The session will be moderated by Assistant Dean Jessica Tillipman, George Washington University Law School, Washington DC.

Christopher Yukins, George Washington University Law School (who co-teaches courses on anti-corruption with Dean Tillipman), will discuss emerging international models for debarment, and the impact that new electronic marketplaces may have on debarment globally.  With regard to the U.S. experience, he has drafted a book chapter with John Pachter and Jessica Tillipman, for a forthcoming book on compliance by Cambridge University Press.  Professor Yukins has also co-written a piece with Professor Michal Kania (U. Silesia – Katowice), comparing debarment in the United States and the European Union.

Pascal Friton, BLOMSTEIN, Berlin

Pascal Friton, a partner in the BLOMSTEIN firm, Berlin, will discuss how the European Union’s member states are addressing exclusion and debarment, drawing on a piece he presented at the Thomson Reuters Government Contracts Year in Review in February 2019.  He also will be speaking on the afternoon of Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at this year’s Year in Review conference.

Collin Swan, World Bank

Collin Swan, of the World Bank’s Office of Suspension & Debarment, will discuss his office’s debarment survey and the office’s ongoing research into other debarment systems (beyond the United States and the World Bank).  See his FCPA Blog post on the survey.

Additional resources

Grace Sullivan, GWU Law

Grace Sullivan, a third-year student at the George Washington University Law School, recently won first prize in the Public Contract Law Journal annual writing contest for her note (which was also accepted for publication in the Journal). Her note analyzes three case studies of foreign contractors debarred by the U.S. government: Chinese telecommunications giants ZTE and Huawei, and Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky.  Ms. Sullivan will be presenting on her note at the March 2020 ABA PCLS Federal Procurement Institute in Annapolis, MD.

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US Dial-in Number (local toll): (515) 606-5440

Access Code: 509353

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U.S. Regulators Plan to Align Debarment Rules for Contracts and Grants

Debarment – the exclusion of a firm or individual from working with a government – allows governments to protect themselves from the reputational and performance risks posed by unqualified firms and individuals.  As a March 2019 conference at King’s College, London made clear, governments the world over are reforming their debarment systems, though often in strikingly different ways.  The U.S. government is now moving to reform its debarment system, by more closely aligning the rules that govern debarments for grants and contracts.  The rules would be revised “to improve consistency between the procurement and non-procurement procedures on suspension and debarment, based on recommendations of the Interagency Suspension and Debarment Committee,” under a pending Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) reform case No. 2019-015.  Many have long argued for this reform, and a 2017 Public Contract Law Journal article by Robert Meunier and Trevor Nelson described the issue in detail.  A report on the pending FAR case is currently due in January 2020, and the U.S. Office of Management and Budget anticipates that a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) will be published in February 2020.  We will be tracking this issue closely in a special short seminar that George Washington University Law School offers online, on suspension and debarment.

U.S. Government To Award Billions Of Dollars In Contracts To Open Electronic Marketplaces To Government Customers—Though Serious Questions Remain

Proposals to the U.S. General Services Administration are due soon in a $6 billion procurement under which multiple no-cost contracts will be awarded to vendors that will open electronic marketplaces to federal users making micro-purchases (generally up to $10,000). Although federal purchase card holders have long been able to make micro-purchases with few regulatory constraints regarding competition, transparency or socioeconomic requirements, this new GSA initiative appears likely to normalize and expand those purchases—and so may revolutionize small purchases in the federal market. This article assesses some of the key concerns — including a lack of competition and transparency, cybersecurity threats, most-favored-customer pricing, and open issues regarding bid protests — that still surround this important initiative. 61 Government Contractor ¶ 303 (Oct. 16, 2019). Available at , and below.

After Long Delay, U.S. Defense Department Issues Final Rule Limiting Use of Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA) Awards

The U.S. Defense Department will on September 26, 2019 publish a long-awaited final rule to implement Congress’ curbs on low-price awards.  Unlike European governments, since World War II the U.S. government has come to rely heavily on multilateral competitive negotiations which trade off price and quality to ensure best value.  Recent years, however, saw a resurgence of “lowest price technically acceptable” (LPTA) procurement – an award to the vendor that offers the cheapest good or service that is technically acceptable.  The final rule, which reflects Congress’ concerns that the low-price method is used too often and inappropriately, may slow the use of LPTA awards.

Source: GAO Report GAO-19-691 (published Sept. 26, 2019).

Many have argued that the LPTA procurement method is a throwback to a more primitive form of procurement based on low price.  Contracting officials, however, have embraced this return to low-price procurement.  Critics have suggested that this is because low-price awards are easier to implement and explain, they reduce the nominal prices paid by the government, and awards based on low price allow contracting officials to avoid the often sticky questions raised by technical and past performance evaluations.  Because price is simple and technical issues are often quite difficult for contracting officials to master, critics of the LPTA method have argued that focusing on low price reduces administrative costs and risks for contracting officials, even if the award does not result in the best value for users – a classic “agency” problem in procurement.

After long debate and numerous studies noting industry’s opposition to low-priced awards, Congress passed a series of laws intended to curb the use of the LPTA method in federal procurement.  Despite early Pentagon guidance urging caution in the use of the LPTA method, Defense Department regulators took long (several years, though Congress had called for swift action) to prepare and publish a final rule implementing those statutory restrictions.  Operational guidance for Defense Department contracting officials is being published as well, and civilian agency requirements will be addressed separately under a government-wide rule currently under review.

Source: GAO Report GAO-19-691 (published Sept. 26, 2019).

The final rule reflects a restrictive implementation of Congress’ curbs on low-price awards; in fact, the new rule is in many ways merely a “copy-and-paste” of the statutory requirements.  Regulators repeatedly rejected suggestions to clarify, for example, that low-price awards should be limited to non-complex acquisitions.  Regulators argued that where Congress did not impose a specific bar on low-price awards, further limitations should not appear in the rule – a markedly narrow approach, given the broad discretion allowed U.S. regulators when implementing legislation.

Despite regulators’ cautious approach, the final rule does impose important limitations on the use of the LPTA method:

  • Contracting officials will have to document (but not necessarily publish) why they chose to use the LPTA method.
  • Certain goods (such as personal protective equipment to be used in combat) are not to be purchased using the LPTA method.
  • The LPTA method is to be avoided in contracts and orders unless:
    • Requirements can be described “clearly and comprehensively”
    • Little value will be gained from a proposal that exceeds minimum technical requirements
    • The technical requirements require little subjective assessment
    • Review of the technical proposals is probably not valuable
    • A different procurement method is unlikely to spur innovation
    • The goods to be purchased are expendable or non-technical
    • The contract file explains why the lowest price will reflect full life-cycle costs

Regulators’ comments to the final rule acknowledged that the government does not hold data on how often the LPTA method is actually used in practice.  If, in response to this final rule, industry continues to press Congress for further limitations on low-price awards, future reforms may focus on the need for data on LPTA awards, and on greater transparency in contracting officials’ decisions to make awards based on low price.

Editor’s note: This post was updated on September 26, 2019 to include the two charts from GAO Report GAO-19-691, which was published after the final DFARS rule was released.

ABA Public Contract Law Section – International Procurement Committee – Presentation on International Trade Agreements – October 10, 2019 – Noon to 1:30 pm

Join a special presentation on the United States’ international trade agreements in procurement. Chris Yukins and Allen Green will present on their chapter in The Contractor’s Guide to International Procurement (American Bar Association 2018) (Erin Loraine Felix & Marques Peterson, eds.). They will give an overview of international trade agreements, and discuss recent “Buy American” developments in the Trump administration. The program will be held at the Dentons law firm, 1900 K Street NW, from 12-1:30 pm. Lunch will be served.

Call-in information: +1-877-211-3621 Passcode: 788 499 1844

International Trade Agreements and U.S. Procurement Law

Chapter by Christopher R. Yukins & Allen B. Green, in The Contractor’s Guide to International Procurement (American Bar Association 2018) (Erin Loraine Felix & Marques Peterson, eds.)

Available at:

Allen Green
Christopher Yukins

Some of the most difficult issues in U.S. procurement law stem from the nation’s several centuries of accumulated protectionist measures, and from a patchwork of trade agreements meant to contain that protectionism. These conflicting measures reflect a push-and-pull in U.S. procurement policy, between those who favor closed procurement markets and those who favor open competition; the compromises reached between the two camps have created a Byzantine set of rules and requirements. At the same time, though, this area of law holds a special promise for the future of procurement, for cross-border agreements currently offer the readiest means of erasing anti-competitive differences between national rules, by bringing many nations to a common standard of international best practice. To make sense of this complex area, this chapter proceeds in three parts. Part II reviews the major pieces of protectionist legislation passed by Congress, focusing first on the Buy American Act of 1933; this discussion also references some of the most important implementing regulations. Part III reviews the most important U.S. trade agreements which have limited the force of that protectionist legislation, including the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA). Because barriers to procurement can also arise from structural factors — “non-tariff barriers to trade” which, in practice, may protect domestic vendors — this part also explains how the trade agreements mitigate those non-tariff barriers. Finally, Part IV concludes by offering some practical suggestions for those working in this field, and suggests a possible road ahead for cooperation in international procurement markets.

Yukins, Christopher R. and Green, Allen, International Trade Agreements and U.S. Procurement Law (2018). Chapter 9 to The Contractor’s Guide to International Procurement (American Bar Association 2018) (Erin Loraine Felix & Marques Peterson, eds.); GWU Law School Public Law Research Paper No. 2019-55; GWU Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2019-55. Available at SSRN:

U.S. Justice Department Issues New Corporate Compliance Guidance

On April 30, 2019, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Criminal Division announced revised guidance for assessing corporate compliance systems.  The guidance goes to what authorities abroad sometimes call corporate “self-cleaning” — efforts by private firms to identify and remediate improper behavior.  (See, for example, Article 57 of European Public Procurement Directive 2014/24/EU.)  The new guidance expands on the 2017 guidance (below), and elaborates on the Justice Department’s summary discussion of corporate compliance programs in the Justice Manual §  9-28.800

As the new guidance suggests, it is generally in accord with prior guidance on corporate compliance systems, such as the guidelines issued by the U.S. Sentencing Commission, the guidance published by the U.S. Justice Department and the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and the UK Ministry of Justice guidance implementing the UK Bribery Act, among many similar guidance documents published by governments and international organizations under recent anti-corruption laws.  As the FCPA guidance acknowledges, at page 56 and note 309, requirements for corporate compliance systems are highly uniform around the world.

The new guidance is noteworthy, though, for stressing (at pages 9-12) that a firm with an effective compliance system should maintain a strong compliance function, either in-house or through an outsourced vendor.  As companies around the world move to implement compliance systems, they should recognize that enforcement authorities will often expect to see a robust compliance function in place, with the autonomy and authority necessary to address emerging risks of corruption and misconduct.