ABA PCLS Grant Law Committee Meeting (Online): Build America Buy America Act — Stringent New Domestic Sourcing Requirements – September 13, 2022


Background on Build America Buy America Act (BABA) implementation issues

January 2022 webinar on BABA implementation

Meeting with Principal Investigators on Congressionally Commissioned Study on Bid Protests at the Department of Defense

Tuesday, April 19, 12 noon – online

In the conference report which accompanied section 886 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021, Congress called for the Defense Department to launch a new study of bid protests, to follow up on an earlier report by the RAND Corporation. Congress called for a new study to address:

  • The rate at which protestors are awarded the contract that was the subject of the bid protest;
  • The time it takes the Defense Department to implement corrective actions after a ruling or decision, the percentage of those corrective actions that are subsequently protested, and the outcomes of those protests;
  • Analysis of the time spent at each phase of the procurement process attempting to prevent a protest, addressing a protest, or taking corrective action in response to a protest, including the efficacy of any actions attempted to prevent the occurrence of a protest; and
  • Analysis of the number and disposition of protests filed within the Defense Department.

The conferees also emphasized “the potential benefits of a robust agency-level bid protest process.” The conferees further said that the study “should review existing law, the Federal Acquisition Regulation, and agency policies and procedures,” and should “solicit input from across the DOD and industry stakeholders.”

Further information on the study is available at https://publicprocurementinternational.com/congressionally-commissioned-bid-protest-study/.

The first of several public meetings will be held on the study on Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 12:00 – 1:30 Eastern.  Principal investigators David Drabkin and Christopher Yukins will discuss initial steps from the study, and will seek input on the questions posed by Congress, above.  The meeting will be virtual and will not be recorded, and attendance is limited. 

Webinar — Buy American and the New U.S. Infrastructure Legislation

Program Recording

GW Law Webinar – Wed. 19 January 2022 – 9 am Eastern – 14:00 UK – 15:00 CET

500+ webinar registrants from five continents

President Biden recently signed into law the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Public Law 117-58 (Nov. 15, 2021), trillion-dollar legislation intended to rebuild U.S. infrastructure. This webinar will focus on Title IX of the new law, the “Build America, Buy America” Act (BABA), which will impose much broader domestic-preference requirements on items purchased using federal grants, tighten federal procurement requirements under the Buy American Act, and launch a review of U.S. agreements that have opened defense markets with U.S. allies around the world.

Part I of the BABA addresses procurement for infrastructure supported by federal financial assistance. As commentator Dustin Painter noted, unlike the “Buy American” requirements of Section 1605 of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the domestic content requirements imposed by the BABA are “not limited to the funds appropriated or authorized” by the new legislation — and so the new law likely will have a broader impact on all federally funded infrastructure programs.

For a closer look at BABA issues:

click here

Under the new legislation, all iron and steel products and construction materials must be produced in the United States. Manufactured products will need to be manufactured in the United States, and at least 55 % of their component costs will need to be U.S.-origin.

Domestic-content waivers on projects funded with federal assistance will need to be published for comment (much as the Biden administration has begun to publish federal waivers for Buy American Act purposes). Waivers will be available only if applying the U.S. preference (1) will be inconsistent with the public interest, (2) iron, steel, manufactured products or construction materials are not produced in U.S. in sufficient and reasonably available quantity or satisfactory quality, or (3) inclusion of domestic products or materials will increase overall project cost by 25 percent.

In line with the new legislation, the U.S. Office of Management & Budget (OMB) guidance for federal grantees (set forth in Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations) may be amended to reflect the new domestic content requirements, which are to be applied consistently with international trade agreements. In the meantime, in a December 20, 2021 memorandum, OMB asked federal agencies for extensive data on the iron and steel, manufactured goods and construction materials used in federally supported infrastructure projects.

As former U.S. trade official Jean Heilman Grier noted in a recent post, under most current free trade agreements the United States has already excepted highways, mass transit and airport projects. This has meant that foreign firms may “participate in such projects but must comply with the ‘Buy America’ requirements.” Under the new legislation, Ms. Grier wrote, the “broader implication of the expansion of domestic preferences to all infrastructure projects that receive federal funds is that the U.S. would not likely be able to offer [those projects as market-opening concessions] in future procurement negotiations.”

Part II of the the BABA includes a suite of “Make It In America” provisions, which echo President Biden’s January 2021 Executive Order 14005. Under the legislation, a new “Made in America Office” is to be established in OMB, which will oversee more rigorous standards for Buy American Act (BAA) waivers. The new legislation also reflects a sense of Congress that the Buy American Act should be applied with a 75% domestic content requirement — a substantial increase from the traditional 50% requirement, which was increased by President Trump.

As with the requirements for federal grants, Buy American Act requirements under the new law are to be implemented consistently with standing international trade agreements. This means that the stronger Buy American requirements will not apply to procurements over the Trade Agreements Act threshold, which per FAR 25.402 is generally $183,000 for supplies.

jet planes

Notably, the new legislation calls for a review of the impact of free trade agreements on U.S. procurement. That review will include reciprocal defense procurement agreements, which are the key to open international trade in defense materiel and services between the United States and its allies. Existing trade agreements are to be assessed for “equal and proportionate” access by U.S. suppliers. The new law also codifies longstanding exceptions to Buy American requirements, such as those for U.S. allies under the reciprocal defense procurement agreements, and general exemptions for least developed nations.


Organizational Conflict of Interest (OCI) Proposed Rule Is Withdrawn, Ten Years Later

Regulators have withdrawn a proposed rule, first published a decade ago, which would have revamped federal rules on contractors’ organizational conflicts of interest.

The current OCI regulations, which have been developed since the 1960s, are set forth at Subpart 9.5 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation.  The OCI regulations leave it to contracting officials to exclude bidders if those vendors have corporate conflicts of interest – competing business interests, for example, which will keep the contractor from providing unbiased advice, or if a vendor would be helping draw specifications against which the vendor (or its affiliate) will be bidding in the future.  The OCI rules also allow contracting officials to exclude vendors that have an unfair competitive advantage due to unequal access to information.

Daniel Gordon

Daniel Gordon, who as head of the bid protest unit at the Government Accountability Office (GAO) helped shape the GAO caselaw on OCI’s, also wrote a leading article on OCI’s.  Dan Gordon took over as head of the White House’s Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) (where his work was highly regarded) in 2009, and in 2011 the proposed rule was published.  Dan Gordon left the White House shortly thereafter, to serve as an associate dean at George Washington University Law School.

The proposed rule (76 Fed. Reg. 23236 (2011)) reflected opposition at the time, in both government and industry, to stringent application of OCI rules.  Recognizing the practical problems that overly strict enforcement could bring, the proposed rule called for a more measured approach, which would tolerate apparent conflicts when they did not pose significant reputational or performance risks to the government.

Since the proposed rule was published in 2011, much has changed.  The Defense Department separately addressed congressional concerns about conflicts of interest in a major defense acquisition programs (MDAP’s) by issuing the Department’s own regulations on OCI’s in MDAP’s.  At the same time, the popular concern that contractors play an outsize role in government – a concern which informed the proposed rule, and which helped drive GAO’s prior decisions – has subsided.  As observers have noted, GAO is less likely to sustain protests regarding OCI’s, and agencies now regularly grant waivers regarding apparent conflicts of interest.  While OCI’s remain an important issue, there seems less appetite to revamp the existing OCI law – and so the proposed rule was withdrawn.

The Rebirth of British Procurement: Comments

U.S. Perspectives on the UK “Green Paper” — Post-Brexit Public Procurement Reforms

On March 10, 2021, Chris Yukins submitted comments to the UK Cabinet Office in response to the United Kingdom’s plan for transforming its public procurement laws after Brexit, in the “green paper” entitled Transforming Public Procurement.  These comments respond to consultation questions posed by the Cabinet Office, and provide a U.S. perspective on the proposed reforms.   

While our UK-based colleagues Sue Arrowsmith, Anne Davies and Ruairi Macdonald, Jane Jenkins, Michael Bowsher QC and Albert Sanchez-Graells, among others, have published very useful comments on the green paper, these comments focus on points of special interest and concern for the U.S. procurement community — and especially on points of potential cooperation between the United States and the United Kingdom. The two nations have cooperated very effectively in related areas of legal regulation, such as corporate compliance; the green paper presents other areas of potential intergovernmental cooperation, which could improve procurement outcomes, open trade opportunities, and enhance anti-corruption efforts in both nations.

Transforming Public Procurement is the Cabinet Office’s plan (or “green paper”) for a new public procurement legal regime in the United Kingdom after Brexit.  Lord Agnew, the Minister of State for the Cabinet Office, called this “an historic opportunity to overhaul” the United Kingdom’s “outdated public procurement regime” – a “dividend,” as it were, “from the UK leaving the EU,” to rebuild the procurement system to make it easier for “innovative companies to win business” and to improve public goods and services by making it simpler “to exclude suppliers that have performed poorly in the past.”  Id. at 5-6.

The comments deal with specific questions thematically, with reference (as appropriate) to parallel procedures in the U.S. government’s procurement system, and – most importantly – to how the United Kingdom’s proposed reforms may affect ongoing cooperation with the United States as our two nations reaffirm their special relationship.

GSA’s “Commercial Platforms” Initiative

GSA Commercial Platforms - An Assessment - Cover Image

From “GSA’s Commercial Marketplaces Initiative: Opening Amazon & Other Private Marketplaces To Direct Purchases By Government Users,” by Christopher Yukins, Kristen Ittig, Abraham Young & Eric Valle (Thomson Reuters – Briefing Papers, December 2020)

The authors — Chris Yukins, Kristen Ittig, Abraham Young and Eric Valle — will join a webinar on the GSA “commercial platforms” at noon Eastern on Monday, March 22, 2021 — register here

Article is also available on the Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN)

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) opened a new chapter in public procurement by awarding three contracts—to Amazon Business, Overstock.com, and Fisher Scientific—which will allow federal users to buy directly from online electronic marketplaces, with sales anticipated to total $6 billion annually. This proof-of-concept effort, dubbed the “commercial platforms” initiative by GSA, marks a radical departure from traditional procurement practices because it will allow individual Government users (not necessarily procurement officials) to make “micro-purchases” (generally up to $10,000) using Government purchase cards. By removing the federal procurement system as an intermediary in the purchasing process, and in essence outsourcing the selection of available sources to private providers of electronic platforms, GSA’s initiative has both reshaped procurement and potentially redrawn a marketplace.

This paper reviews the purpose and history of GSA’s commercial platforms initiative, which began with a mandate from Congress to explore electronic commerce options and evolved through long exchanges with industry, users, and other stakeholders. In assessing the reasons for the initiative, the paper notes a longstanding concern that users’ needs were not being met by the traditional procurement system. The paper discusses GSA’s decision to steer the initiative to existing commercial platforms and reviews key elements of the solicitation used to frame the “no-cost” contracts with the online marketplaces. Because Amazon Business was by far the most prominent of the awardees—indeed, Amazon had played an ongoing role in pressing for the procurement—and vendors may want to sell through the commercial platforms to reach federal customers, this paper focuses on Amazon Business’ procedures in discussing how vendors might join the commercial platforms. The paper concludes with a series of Guidelines that vendors and other market participants might use, as they enter this new corner of the federal marketplace.

Additional information:

Abraham L. Young, Empowering the End-User as Procurement Agent Through E-Commerce, Public Contract Law Journal, Vol. 49:4 (2020)

Michael Tregle

Response from Michael Tregle, Buyer Incentives and Administrative Burdens in the Commercial Platforms Initiative – In response to the published piece, Mike Tregle argues that “GSA may have gone a step too far by devolving buying authority down to end-users.  In partial rebuttal . . . I will address the impact such a change may have on best value determinations and the related administrative burdens of oversight and management of the program.  The [commercial platforms initiative], as currently implemented, may in fact reduce overall value while increasing the risk of waste and the administrative burdens on agencies.”

GSA Commercial Platforms Contracts — Performance Work Statements Submitted by Amazon Business, Overstock.com and Fisher Scientific

GSA Awards Contracts to Open Amazon and Other Commercial Platforms to Billions of Dollars in Federal Micro-Purchases

GSA Delays “Electronic Marketplaces” Contract Awards

Trump Administration’s Fight Against Counterfeit Trade May Impact GSA’s Electronic Marketplaces Initiative — Which Is No Longer Stalled by Protest

Request Denied by GAO for Documents in Pending Protest Regarding GSA “Electronic Marketplaces” Procurement

Webinar: Opening Online Marketplaces to Government Micro-Purchases — June 30, 2020

Government Contracting and COVID-19: Emerging Issues – Webinar – April 23, 2020

Alfreda Robinson, President, National Bar Association & Associate Dean, GW Law

Please join the National Bar Association, in conjunction with George Washington University Law School’s Government Procurement Program, for a one-hour webinar on federal contracting and the COVID-19 pandemic — a review of emerging issues, in law and business, for thousands of federal contractors and their employees. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020, 9 am Pacific/10 Mountain/11 Central/12 noon Eastern

Program Recording –Instructions on Using Auto-Captioning in 100+ Languages

Register here

Topics will include:

Danielle Conway, Dean, Penn State Dickinson Law
  • What the government expects of its contractors — and how to prepare 
  • COVID-19’s impact on contractors
  • Employment and labor issues, from paid leave to telework
  • How contractors are handling the crisis — loans, tax credits, claims and funding  
  • Contractor support under Section 3610 of the CARES Act


Michelle Coleman (Crowell & Moring)

Michelle Coleman, Counsel, Crowell & Moring 

Danielle Conway, Dean, Penn State Dickinson Law

Dominique Casimir, Partner, Blank Rome LLP

Judge Jeri Somers, Chair, US Civilian Board of Contract Appeals)

Liza Craig (Reed Smith)

Michael Bennett, Evans & Chambers Technology, LLC; nominee, Board of Governors, USPS 

Liza Craig, Counsel, Reed Smith (invited)

Moderators:  NBA President Alfreda Robinson (GW Law School) & Christopher Yukins (GW Law School)

 Previous Webinars