Category: Education
Webinar – European Commission White Paper on Foreign Government Subsidies – December 1, 2020
King’s College London and GW Law will be presenting a free webinar on the European Commission’s “White Paper” on foreign government subsidies, which would impose new EU measures to address foreign subsidies, including in public procurement.
Careers in Government Procurement – GW Law Panel
GWU Law Moot Court Advances Online

Thanks to the extraordinary efforts of government contracts program director Karen Thornton and Judge Jeri Somers (Chair of the U.S. Civilian Court of Contract Appeals (CBCA)), and of course the student-contestants and many moot judges from the U.S. procurement community, the memorable 2020 Arnold & Porter Government Contracts Moot Court competition was able to proceed online. The finalists:
Amanda McDowell (JD’21, GWLaw) & Justin Baird (JD’21, GWLaw), CloudCrane Corporation
Gabriella Paez & Rita (JD’21, GMU Law) & Regelbrugge (JD’21, GMU Law), U.S. Government
We hope you will tune in to watch these exceptionally skilled and polished advocates argue the topical issues in this Other Transaction Authority case of first impression on
Tuesday, March 24, at 6pm
via livestream:
Please help us spread the word to create a large virtual audience for this important event!
Our presiding judges will be Kyle Chadwick (Judge, Civilian Board of Contract Appeals), Timothy McIlmail (Judge, Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals), and Beverly Russell (Judge, Civilian Board of Contract Appeals).
The student bios are below:
• Justin Baird is a 2L at GWLaw, where he is a member of the Public Contract Law Journal and treasurer of the Corporate and Business Law Society. He will join Foley & Lardner as a summer associate.
• Amanda McDowell is a 2L at GWLaw, where she was recently appointed Editor in Chief of the Public Contract Law Journal. She is currently a law clerk at DLA Piper and will join Crowell & Moring as a summer associate.
• Gabriella Paez is a 2L at the George Mason University, Antonin Scalia Law School, where she is a member of the Trial Advocacy Association and the Moot Court Board, as well as an articles editor on the GMU Civil Rights Law Journal. She is currently an intern at the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia.
• Rita Regelbrugge is a 2L at the George Mason University, Antonin Scalia Law School, where she is a member of the Trial Advocacy Association and the Moot Court Board, as well as Editor in Chief of the Journal for Law Economics and Policy. She is currently a judicial intern at the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals. She will divide her summer as a summer associate at Wiley and Pillsbury.
Training at United Nations ILO International Training Center – Turin

On 4 February 2020, Professor Yukins taught students from the sustainable procurement masters’ program at the UN training center in Turin, Italy. His slides — an introduction to U.S. procurement — are attached.
Maldives Procurement Training

International procurement training led by the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Maldives (Minister Ibrahim Ameer, pictured below), and coordinated by the U.S. Department of Commerce – Commercial Law Development Program was held in Male, capital of the Maldives, on August 4-5, 2019. Chris Yukins’ slides for the program are included here.

King’s College, London Postgraduate Diploma: Public Procurement Regulation in the EU and in its Global Context
On March 5, 2019 Christopher Yukins joined a videoconference for King’s College, London’s online diploma course on EU and global procurement law. His slides are below. On April 24, 2020, he joined them for a supplemental class by Zoom videoconference (linked below).

New Perspectives on International Trade in Procurement — 20 March 2019 — 6 to 7 pm — GWU Law School

A conversation with
Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova
Senior Economist, Chief Trade Economist Unit, European Commission
Most debates over protectionism look only at the direct effects of “Buy National” laws — how do those laws help specific domestic producers, and how do they raise costs and reduce choice?
The European Commission is taking a new approach. Building on other transnational studies, the Commission has undertaken a multi-year effort to assess the economy-wide impact of domestic preferences in procurement. Through this effort, the European Commission will be able to predict the costs, direct and indirect, of new “Buy National” laws around the world.
Please join Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova, a senior trade economist at the European Commission, in an interactive discussion of this important development in international trade.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019, 6-7 pm
GWU Law Learning Center Room LLC006
Entrance: 2028 G Street NW (next to Tonic Restaurant)
Info:, tel. 202 994 8689
Nearest Metro stations: Foggy Bottom and Farragut West
Light refreshments will be served
EU Procurement Law: Professor Andrea Sundstrand at GWU Law, February 20-22, 2019

Professor Andrea Sundstrand of Stockholm University will be visiting GWU Law School this week to teach on European procurement law.
We will meet in Law Learning Center (LLC) Room 006, 2028 G Street NW (across the street from the main law school building) on the following days and times:
- Wednesday, Feb. 20 – noon to 2 pm – Intro to EU Procurement
- Thursday, Feb. 21 – noon to 2 pm – EU Bid Protests
- Friday, Feb. 22 – 6-8 pm – EU Contracting (canceled)
This is a very nice (and rare) opportunity to learn about Europe’s approach to procurement law, first-hand. We hope to see you there.
Further info:
U.S. Department of Homeland Security – Procurement Innovation Lab
Thanks to Eric Cho for citing this interesting experiment — a “laboratory” to encourage innovation in procurement.